1Card - NFC & QR Code Contactless Visiting Card

Just Tap or Scan to Save Contact Details

How is it better?

Just 1Card

We don't realize how inefficient paper business cards are until we run out of them at critical times. We have to consciously remember to carry them & reprint them. Moreover when we give it to the receiver, more often that not it ends up in a pile. Giving visiting card is part of business etiquette but the efficacy of this age-old way in today's times is debatable.

LINQS 1Card is a modern & smart business card. It lets you continue the etiquette of sharing business cards but is much more effective. Being a digital business card you just need one 1Card!

Instant sharing

It takes just a few seconds to exchange paper visiting cards. But it takes a good amount of effort to actually use the information printed on the card. Ironically, today the cards are printed using digital technologies & the information they carry is mostly digital. The emailId, website, social media links & address information is consumed digitally. So, why can't the card itself be digital or shared digitally?

When you tap 1Card on a NFC smartphone or scan the QR Code on 1Card, your contact information is instantly transferred to the receiver's phone. Moreover your entire profile can be saved into the phone's addressbook! If a phone's addressbook is the holy grail of business cards, 1Card excels in it!

1Card Profile

All your details, Always up-to-date

1Card can share your name, company, designation, short bio, phone number, emailId, social media links, addresses & your photograph through a snazzy profile. The only thing that can't be changed in a 1Card is your name. Everything else can be changed anytime, anywhere & as many times as you want just using your smartphone.

With 1Card you would neither share stale contact details nor have to get new business cards printed when any information changes.

No App Needed

There are a plethora of smartphone apps that allow digital exchange of contact information. While they work great, they have a great constraint that has limited their popularity. Both the sender & receiver's phones should have the same app installed. Can you really ask the receiver to download an app first, open it & then share your conatct information?

1Card doesn't need a specialized app either for creating, editing or sharing your profile. With a NFC smartphone you just need to tap 1Card & the phone to initiate the transfer. With non NFC phones any general purpose QR Code reader is sufficient.

Sharing History

Not all of us are good at remembering the names of new people we meet. Curiously, it's not prevalent to have one's photograph on a paper business card. By not being able to recall we lose a connection & sometimes perhaps an opportunity.

1Card lets you know when, where & who accessed your 1Card profile. Among other analytics, you can derive how many paper business cards you saved!